Posts Tagged ‘video’
Episode 9: QuickBooks Online, Cloud Bookkeeping, and Your Business
In episode 8 of our Talking Real Estate with Peter and George video series, George Dube and Peter Cuttini discuss how cloud bookkeeping with a program like QuickBooks Online can benefit your business. George: Good day, and welcome to Talking Real Estate with George and Peter. Today, we’re going to back and forth … I […]
Episode 8: Real Estate Investing and Family Trusts
In episode 8 of our Talking Real Estate with Peter and George video series, George Dube and Peter Cuttini discuss how real estate investors can use family trusts as part of their tax planning strategy. They’ll answer the questions about what a family trust is, why use a family trust as part of your real […]
Video: Beating the tax time rush
Check out the perspective of George Dube on personal taxes as seen on the Kitchener CTV News, and the value that an accountant can add not just for today but for the future. CTV News: Beating the Tax Time Rush