Posts Tagged ‘automobile’

Vehicle expenses – simplified logbook for deductions? Think again!

Posted on: June 6th, 2014 by Real Estate Accountants 2 Comments

Note: This article originally appeared on Doing a logbook for all your motor vehicle expenses is hard work. You have to consistently record the trips you make related to your real estate business, such as driving to and from Home Hardware to buy paint supplies or from your business to meet a customer. In […]

Lease or buy a vehicle: What’s the best tax advantage?

Posted on: May 14th, 2014 by Real Estate Accountants

We regularly receive somewhat urgent emails from our clients about a car breaking down suddenly. Someone needs to make a decision on whether to lease or buy quickly, but they want to know: what makes sense from a tax perspective? Generally speaking, if you have a personally-owned business, or personally own two or more rental […]